Friday, April 22, 2016

Happy Earth Day!

We always learned about Earth Day when I was playing school, but the official observation date almost slipped my mind this year!

We were probably  all raised to wisely use our natural resources by turning-off lights and water when we don't need them. I'm sure we all donate unneeded clothing and household items to organizations who can sell, or  provide, them to others. Then there's the whole new lightbulb issue, which has affected us all. How do you do with recyclable shopping bags? I seem to forget mine more often than not, but I do try! With our highly disposable society, though,  it's more necessary than ever to take care of our earth. For years, I've been known as "Queen of Recycling" at our house because of my practices! I cringe when  I see families put everything in their trash because it all winds up in the landfill. We recycle everything we can and are so fortunate to be able to have  comingled curbside pick-up available through our trash company. It makes it so simple! Additionally, I  always save things like egg cartons, washed plastic and Styrofoam containers, washed pill bottles, magazines, etc. which I donate to a local recycling center. They sort and store it all and then allow citizens to come and stock-up on whatever they need for projects at a nominal fee. Educators and Scout leaders, particularly,  love it!

We can do our part outside, too. Planting native plants requires less of a dependence on watering and also attracts butterflies and birds. Additionally, natives typically require less upkeep (fertilization and trimming). Rain barrels are good for the collection of "free" water for your plants.

Whatever you do for your part of being a good steward, enjoy your Earth Day!