Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Tuesday's Tablescape

Can you believe it's almost Memorial Day? Today's patriotic table is in honor of this holiday and displays some new dishes.  I know! I know! Several weeks ago, our church hosted a colossal garage sale as a fund raiser for missions. I ran to church late in the afternoon the day before to drop-off fresh cookies, brownies and cinnamon rolls that I had prepared for the bake sale portion. My friend, Bonnie, had spent hours and hours pricing items and preparing for the event and I happened to see her on the way in the door. She casually mentioned that there were lots of dishes in the garage sale. Maybe I should take a look? I figured I would just take a little peek...quickly...just for fun. I saw lots of lovely sets, but showed enormous self-restraint. Then, just as I was leaving, my eyes looked down and I spotted a cardboard box with these cuties.

Before I knew what was happening, my mind was already arranging patriotic tablescapes and I had the service for four under my arm. Since prices were marked and presales were accepted, I bought them on the spot and they came home with me. Aren't they unique? Aren't they perfect for summer fun?

The early morning light wasn't cooperating too well for these pictures. The tablecloth looks washed-out in the above photo, but it's really a match to the cobalt napkins. I also was getting some glare on the plates.

While I am very happy with my little purchase and excited to know that I will have fun using this service on many occasions, I'm thrilled to realize what the sales meant to our church. Between the garage sale and bake sale, we raised over $5,200 for missions and that is a blessing!