Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Green Bean Bundles

This is one of my all-time-favorite recipes. I first ate green bean bundles at a friend's annual Christmastime dinner years ago. I asked for the recipe and we've been enjoying them ever since! My family loves when these are served as part of a holiday meal and they're also popular with guests for dinner parties.

It's essential that you use canned whole green beans since you need the length.

Green Bean Bundles
a can of whole green beans, drained
slices of bacon, cut in thirds

Stack seven green beans in a bundle and wrap with 1/3 strip of bacon. Place them, seam down, in a lightly sprayed glass pan. After all bundles are assembled, make your sauce.

2 T butter
2 tsp. soy sauce
2 tsp. brown sugar
1/2 tsp. garlic powder

Melt the butter and then add the other ingredients. Mix very well and drizzle bundles with all of the sauce.

Bake in 350 degree oven for about 30 minutes, or until the bacon is cooked. Once done, gently lift out bundles (one at a time) and place on serving platter to avoid their sitting in butter/grease in pan until consumption.

This recipe, obviously, needs to be multiplied for serving several people. In fact, I have put together as many a six cans of these at once. The two of us polished off this plate of them in one meal. By the way, leftover bundles taste good, too!

Don't forget to eat your veggies!