Friday, August 5, 2016

Olympic Candy Sundae

This red, white and blue candy sundae is in honor of opening day of the Olympics. Go USA!

I first became acquainted with this when I received a candy sundae from one of my families as an end-of-year surprise. That was many years ago and, since then, I have copied the cute idea  and taken these little sweet treats to people. It's easy to assemble.

Begin with a clear ice cream sundae cup. I have picked up several at yard sales over the years as they're usually a quarter. I am sure the dollar store sells them, too, however.

The base for the sundae portion is a Styrofoam ball (sold in any craft store or craft department).

Some straight pins and wrapped candy of your choice will complete your project. I happened to use mini Snickers for the red, white and blue wrappers, but anything that size is suitable. My mother uses wrapped salt water taffy, which is another good option.  Pin the corner of each wrapped candy, being cautious to keep your pin toward the edge of the wrapper. You don't want to pin through, or near, your candy!

Pin the candies in as closely together as possible without overlapping too much. You don't want them too far apart either, however, as you don't want to see those spaces. Begin at the bottom and work up to the top.

When taking this to others, I usually fill the empty sundae glass with shredded paper or a crunched colored snack napkin before resting the foam ball atop. As you can see, I left this one clear and that's fine, too.

Let the Olympic games (and candy eating) begin!