Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Storing "Stuff"

I'm often asked where I store my "stuff". Dishes, glassware and linens take up residency in the kitchen cabinets and pantry, butler's pantry and dining room. Some of the pieces are on display in the cabinets with glass fronts. We opted for a vintage look and went with seeded glass, which is the reason it doesn't look very clear in these pictures.

I also use my treasures in vignettes for seasonal decorating and enjoy "rotating" my things so that we have a fresh look. Using what I have and creating new combinations is sort of the way my brain works. I'm not one to go out and buy something, however, I do take advantage of wonderful deals when I stumble upon them at yard sales! Most of what I have has been acquired,  through my life, as precious gifts from dear family, friends and schoolchildren/families.

I have a cabinet about five feet wide with double doors in the basement where my floral arrangements stay hidden out of view (and protected from dust) while not in use. It's a repurposed piece of furniture which I've had for eons. Here's a peek of one of the shelves just to give a small idea.

Seasonal decorations (aside from Christmas...and that's another post altogether!) are kept in labeled bins on plastic shelving in the basement. I began buying these tubs when we were first married by getting a few at a time as they went on sale. They literally still sport the same labels, even though the contents are tweaked over time. Here, for example, is the apple bin which I will pull out next since it's almost September.

Now you know how I store my "stuff" and realize it's nothing special! I fully realize that these are just possessions, but I do enjoy the sentimental value and history of my things. I think it's important to be selective in what you keep because I feel you should use and enjoy what you have. I think it's best said by William Morris in his quote:

Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.