Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Tuesday's Tablescape

Don't you love sunflowers? They're so vibrant and cheerful! I set this table when I got home at lunchtime and since the sun was shining , the sunflowers seemed so fitting for a late August day. No sooner had I finished, when the winds began blowing and skies opened. I waited for the rain to clear so I could take pictures with a sunny backdrop, but I don't think it is going to stop.

At a yard sale earlier this summer, someone was selling a box of these Pfalzgraff dishes. You know me; I need more dishes like I need a hole in my head. Showing great restraint, I just looked. Wow! The colors grabbed me! It wasn't a complete set (by any means) but various pieces were tossed together in a box with a $5 price tag. My mother also loved them and said that I had to get them, so I did! I weeded through the stack and kept only the perfect plates. I donated the chipped ones  since crafters routinely shop thrift stores for plates, cups and saucers to use in projects and it doesn't matter if they have imperfections. In the end, I tucked four dinner plates, four salad plates and two bowls in my cupboard. All are in pristine condition.

Since I only have two bowls, I just inverted one to serve as a base for the other, which could hold a plant. Notice how many of the little shamrocks have folded up, though. Even they prefer the sunshine!
This gold tablecloth perfectly matches the sunflower dishes. Would you believe that it's older than I am? It was a wedding gift to my parents and since none of their current tables are the right size for the cloth, I got it because it fits my kitchen table just right!

Since this table post is late, I think it's safe to assume that dinner won't be on time either!