Thursday, August 4, 2016

Keep Calm and Wear an Apron

Yesterday I attended a luncheon at my parents' church with my mother. It was a nice event for women. Before eating all of the delicious salads and desserts, there was a clever Old Testament apron style show. Various characters of the Bible modeled aprons specific to their character or associated to the story most closely related to them. For example, Noah modeled an apron made from raincoat material. This production with a twist made me think of some old aprons I have.

This is a Christmas childhood apron of mine.

These two childhood aprons were made for me by a grandmother and a great-grandmother. I used to have them hanging in my kitchen, so they remain in their display frames. See the one on the right? Yesterday we learned that aprons originally were pinafore style like this one. I actually remember wearing this one when I was four and I recall making tapioca pudding while sporting it!

Isn't this a pretty one? It's my mother's childhood apron crocheted for her by her grandma. Those blue lines running along the edges are ribbons. It's uniquely delicate.

I have three aprons that I sometimes currently wear. All three were gifts and are pinafore style. They work especially well when I am hosting a dinner or gathering and need to do last minute touches while protecting my outfit!

Do you have any family heirloom aprons which are special to you?