Friday, September 23, 2016

Front Porches and Fireflies

I love front porches and fireflies! What's better than sitting outdoors and watching nature's little lights in the dark sky? Now, however, the days are getting shorter, the nights cooler and soon it will be time to bid farewell to my favorite little insects. In fact, I am noticing very few fireflies these days; there were just a handful last night. So, I guess it's time to add my own light to the porch. I had been on the lookout for a small lamp and look what I found Saturday at a sale.

It's just the right size, is heavy enough to keep from being blown off the garden stool and was affordable (yes, I tested it before spending my 50 cents!). Its base even sort of mimics the garden stool base. I ditched the oversized deteriorating shade and got this affordable one at At Home.

Using a scrap of Mary Engelbreit fabric from my craft room, I decided to cover the shade. I just traced the shade by slowly rolling it on a large piece of scrap paper, added a 1/2 inch at the top, bottom and sides, and cut it out. Then I used that pattern to cut the freshly-pressed fabric. I sprayed the reverse side with adhesive and attached it to the new shade.
I can do a different shade for use later on during other seasons and easily switch it out.

I hope your weekend shines and that you have a few minutes to sit on the porch and watch the season's last fireflies!