Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Glass Toadstools

With the popularity of fairy gardens, you've probably seen the glass toadstools/mushrooms people are creating. Using a little creativity, one can easily transform odd glass pieces into faux fungi. By the way, do you call them toadstools or mushrooms? I guess, scientifically, there's no differentiation between the two. Although most of us think of toadstools as poisonous, I believe we tend to associate them with fairy gardens. At any rate, my mother and I decided we were on a mission to attempt some of our own, so we shopped around at yard sales Saturday and found just what we needed. For a quarter a piece,  we came home with this little collection.

It was fun discovering these vases, bowls and the candlestick and it was even more fun assembling the toadstools!

I used 527 glue as the bonding agent since it is so durable. You can pick it up at any crafting store or in most craft departments. I always keep it on hand and bought this last tube at Walmart.

I love the way these little toadstools catch the light. Imagine how they'll look outside in the garden. Stay tuned to see them in place in a future post. In the meantime, I'll leave you with a little first grade humor.

Why did the toadstool leave the fairy garden?
It was crowded and there wasn't mushroom!