Wednesday, September 21, 2016

This and That

You can imagine my shock when I was recently contacted by a company who had read one of my little ole' posts! It was after I wrote "Scrub"-a-Dub-Dub (click here if you missed it: Scrub-a-Dub-Dub)  that the makers of Scrub Daddy and Scrub Mommy wrote me to offer one of their company T-shirts in recognition of what I'd written. I told them I'd be honored to wear their shirt and not just while cleaning! By the way, I recently saw the Bed, Bath and Beyond ad and they now carry Scrub Mommy in addition to Scrub Daddy and there is a new product called Scrub Daddy Eraser. I will be buying one of those erasers to give it a whirl since I think so highly of their product line!

On an unrelated note, just the other day someone asked me one of the blog-related questions I often hear so I decided to address some FAQs.

Where do you store all of your decorations?
I recently addressed this. See Storing "Stuff" if you missed it.

Do you really use all of your dishes?
Yes, I really do. I think it's foolish to have something that you don't use and enjoy. If you've grown tired of a set of dishes or have some you don't use, consider giving  them to someone else to enjoy. Otherwise, you're just using up valuable cupboard space.

Aren't you afraid that you'll chip family dishes if you use them?
There is always that risk, but I consider it's a risk worth taking. Use and enjoy! One of my favorite lines is from the Little House on the Prairie television series. The mother, Caroline, received some "fancy" dishes and she said it best when she stated, "Special dishes are not for special occasions...they are for special people."

Is your table always set?
The dining room is often set with a seasonal tablescape, but not always. We use the kitchen table each day, so the tablescapes you see there are typically just for the day. Summer is a bit of an exception because we eat on the patio a lot, so sometimes a kitchen tablescape could sit for a few days these days.

Do you ever use paper plates?
I don't use paper unless I have to do so. In addition to being addicted to dishes, I am a recycling queen and am conscious of what goes to the landfills. There are times, of course, when paper plates are the most practical idea for a particular situation, such as a picnic.

How many sets of dishes do you have?
Well...between china, seasonal and everyday sets, I would estimate that I have around 20. That excludes sets of four dessert/salad plates which I have and those are primarily seasonal in design. I have a small cupboard full of those.

How do you come up with your post ideas?
It's probably my teacher brain in constant gear, but I'm always open to new ideas and projects and I love to share with others. I gain inspiration from other people, so perhaps I can also pass along some small nugget to somebody who sees my blog.

Do you know what you're going to write about ahead of time?
Again, it's probably the teacher in me that forces me to plan ahead of time. I  attempt to line-out the ideas a week at a time and liken it to my lesson plans from my teaching days!

Do you decorate more now that you're retired?
Not really, although I might be a smidgen more detailed these days. I have always enjoyed decorating and even did so while I was teaching. When I played school, I spent 50 hours a week in the building and then spent many additional hours at home on school work. Finding a few minutes to decorate, though,  was always a treat to me so I found a way to get it in. I would rather decorate or make something than watch TV, for example. I have never skipped decorating for a season or holiday.  I really don't have much more free time now than I did while I was in the classroom, though,  because I keep such a busy schedule!

Do you craft more now that you're retired?
Yes, I do. Time for crafting was limited to breaks and summertime so I had two crafting goals upon retirement. I wanted to expound upon card making ( I have stamped  for years) and learn to quilt. I have a card ministry in which I am able to create cards and then donate them to a local nursing home. I have completed a quilted wall hanging and am continuing to learn this art. It's fun to have time to craft with friends since that was a very limited opportunity while I was teaching. Of course, I am also interested in a variety of other crafts,  which I  pursue when I'm able...and there is always my passion for spray painting!

Now I have a question for you.
Aren't you tired of FAQs?