Friday, September 30, 2016

More Autumn Decorations...

Pardon the monotony of today's post. An interesting little nature lesson was originally planned for today, but it was a bust. I am not going to disclose the failure quite yet in case I can figure it out for the future. At any rate, I am pulling what was supposed to have been next Monday's post as a substitution, so you're stuck with another piece on fall décor!

Taking a head-on picture of our mantel is tricky because of the mirror. When you look straight on, the reflections of the staircase and wall become distracting, so here is a side view.

You recognize my large glass jar. It's fun to use seasonally and now is filled with the oversized metallic acorns I bought at Hobby Lobby last year.
Its new companion was a recent find at a moving sale. In perfect condition with no chips, I was able to obtain this vessel for $2. I later saw it at Hobby Lobby for the regular price of $50. I filled it with these autumn leaves I already had.
The trio is completed by my cloche that my parents gave me a few years ago. I have used it in a million different ways. Since I am using little scarecrow touches in my decorations this fall, I borrowed this cute guy from my mother...and he is the perfect size!

To balance the mantel, I used this wreath that I have had forever. I know it's at least 15 years old.

Have a good weekend and maybe you'll see the originally-planned post in the future!!